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27 January 2017

Could I benefit from dental implants?

Are missing teeth making it hard to eat? Have your dentures become loose and uncomfortable? If the answer is yes, then dental implants may be the solution you’re looking for.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants can be a fantastic durable alternative to dentures for people living with tooth loss. Despite being used to provide a solution for both single and multiple missing teeth the concept for dental implants is largely the same. They are small titanium cylinders which are fitted within the jaw, to provide a replacement root for a single artificial tooth or multiple teeth. The replacement ‘teeth’  may be permanently fixed or removable, depending on the style of treatment and your requirements.

What are the benefits of dental implants?
When compared to traditional dentures there are many reasons why dental implants are often the favoured solution. Some of the benefits include:

  • Their high stability level means you can eat your favourite foods again.
  • You don’t have to worry about your teeth slipping whilst talking or eating.
  • They can look and function similarly to your normal teeth so you can simply get on with life.
  • If desired, we are able to provide a fully fixed-solution.

Am I suitable for dental implants?
Many people with loose or missing teeth are suitable for dental implants, however we like to take the time to listen to your requirements and expectations so we can offer you the treatment that will benefit you the most. We offer free dental implant consultations at Stourbridge Dental & Implant Clinic , so you can ask any questions you may have and feel confident about the treatment before progressing. Alternatively you can attend one of our regular implant presentations where you can learn more about dental implants from Principal Dentist Amit Pabari. To book your place or to schedule your free dental implant consultation call the practice on 01384 378361.

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