Are you with living with loose or missing teeth due to trauma, decay or gum disease? This may be causing problems with your oral health, the way you chew and taste food, it may even be changing the way you look. If this resonates with you, then you may be a good candidate for dental implants.
As an experienced team we’d like to help you find a solution that will restore tooth function as well as give you a healthy, natural looking smile.
We find that many people think they are not suitable candidates for dental implants and immediately rule themselves out but contrary to popular belief most people with failing or missing teeth are suitable for dental implant treatment including:
If you have a fear of dental procedures dental implant placement can be carried out under local anaesthetic and during the procedure, you should feel no more discomfort than you would for any typical dental treatment.
If you are particularly anxious, we offer intravenous sedation to allow you to relax peacefully while we carry out your treatment and whilst you may have soreness for a few days after placement of the implants, over-the-counter pain relief medication will alleviate the discomfort for most patients.
If you’re tired of letting your teeth rule your life, or perhaps loose dentures are becoming increasingly uncomfortable, then book a free dental implant consultation at the practice and find out all you need to know about dental implants.
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