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14 August 2015

Dental Veneers – The Choices

Porcelain or Composite Veneers ?

If you’re not happy with the appearance of your teeth or smile, an increasingly common solution is dental veneers. Veneers can be very effective in correcting crooked, broken, or stained teeth as well as teeth with unsightly gaps.

Veneers are basically thin sheets of porcelain or composite, custom-made to directly fit over the teeth. They can improve the appearance and look of your smile dramatically. Find out more about veneers here.

porcelain & composite veneers

There are basically two types of dental veneers – composite and porcelain veneers. When correctly placed, these techniques can provide you a beautiful smile. But which one is the best for you? Here is a brief comparison. You can also find out more about dental veneers on Wikipedia.

1. Durability

On first glance, the majority of people would prefer porcelain veneers, not just because of the way in which they truly resemble natural teeth, but more importantly, for their durability. The average and is 7 to 10 years , however the main drawback is the removal of very small amounts of healthy tooth structure to provide space to attach the porcelain veneers.

Composite veneers are more susceptible to wear and tear, meaning they will need replacing every few years (3-5 years on average). However, on the spot repairs can always be done on composite veneers without complete replacement. Porcelain veneers, unlike the composite kinds, cannot be repaired. They have to be completely replaced if they become chipped, cracked or dislodged. The main appeal of composite veneers is that they do not require the removal of any tooth structure, they can be placed directly over the top of your current tooth

2. Finish

Both of these types of veneers provide a fantastic way of covering dental imperfections. However, porcelain veneers can give a more natural-looking smile makeover. The reason for this is porcelain contains the same light reflecting properties as the natural tooth enamel. In fact, porcelain veneers are designed to copy natural teeth characteristics.

3. Cost

At Stourbridge Dental & Implant Clinic we do not let cost get in the way of your perfect smile. We offer a variety of ways to spread the cost of the treatment over a period of time that is suitable for you.


Dental veneers, whether porcelain or composite, can treat wide-ranging dental issues like stained, crooked or damaged teeth. They can also close the gaps between teeth. Each of them have their own pros and cons. If you’re considering a smile makeover, we can help you to reach the right treatment choice according to your individual needs , so why not get in touch today ?

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