Loose dentures can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and even painful to live with. What’s more, trying to maintain and repair dentures can be expensive and time-consuming. If you’re suffering from loose dentures, here are some possible solutions that may benefit you:
If your dentures are over two years old, they may require relining. Denture relining, or resurfacing, is an important part of caring for your dentures and ensuring that they fit your mouth correctly. In fact, because the bones and tissues in your mouth change over time, you may need to have your dentures relined earlier than the typical two-year period. There are two basic types of denture relines: hard denture relines, and soft denture relines. The former utilises a hard acrylic, the latter relies on a softer material, and is usually reserved for those with tender gums. We can help you determine which is best for you.
While denture relining can provide a temporary solution to loose dentures, dental implant retained dentures are the ultimate solution. When dentures are retained via dental implants, they are no longer loose. This eliminates the need for adhesives, as well as discomfort caused by looseness. Implants can also help to preserve remaining bones in your jaw, can improve your ability to chew, look just like your real teeth, and, best of all, are secure. And with proper care, dental implants should last over 10 years.
Denture adhesives are a temporary solution for loose dentures, but shouldn’t be relied upon as a permanent fix. Small amounts of denture adhesives should really only be used to stabilise well fitting dentures, but are no competition to the near-perfect fit and security offered by dental implant retained dentures.
you don’t have to live with loose dentures; if you’re not sure whether denture relining, I knew better fitting denture, or dental implants are the best route for you, book an appointment for a free consultation to come and see us. We can explain the different options and help you choose the right solution for your situation.
Call 01384 466915 today for more information
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